Proveu el concurs polític

1.6k Replies

 @ISIDEWITHComenteu aquesta resposta...2 anys2Y

No, no ens podem permetre el luxe de donar recursos militars ara mateix

 @ISIDEWITHComenteu aquesta resposta...2 anys2Y

 @ISIDEWITHComenteu aquesta resposta...2 anys2Y

Sí, però reduïu la quantitat actual de recursos que oferim


If you were an international decision-maker, how would you weigh the controversies of taking sides in a foreign war or conflict?

 @ISIDEWITHComenteu aquesta resposta...2 anys2Y

Sí, i augmentar la quantitat actual de recursos que oferim

 @ISIDEWITHComenteu aquesta resposta...2 anys2Y

 @ISIDEWITHComenteu aquesta resposta...2 anys2Y

No, no ens podem permetre el luxe de donar recursos econòmics ara mateix


What would lead you to support or oppose your country sending financial aid to another during a time of war?


How do you think global leaders should balance helping refugees with managing their own country's needs?


Do you think military aid in conflicts is a moral obligation, or should countries prioritize their own internal issues?


If your community had to make sacrifices to support another country in need, what would be acceptable, and what wouldn't?


What role should social media play in shaping public opinion about global conflicts, and how do you determine what sources to trust?


How do you think foreign conflicts can impact local communities, even if they occur thousands of miles away?


Can you imagine how it would feel if your home was destroyed by conflict—how might that change your view of international relationships?


What would be your primary concern if you were displaced from your home due to war—safety, family, or something else?


Can providing financial support to a country in conflict make citizens feel a sense of global unity, or does it create more division?

 @ISIDEWITHComenteu aquesta resposta...2 anys2Y

No, Ucraïna hauria de confiar en els seus propis recursos per defensar-se