The Islamic Action Front (IAF) is the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, representing the main Islamist movement in the country. Established in 1992, the IAF has played a significant role in Jordanian politics, advocating for political reform and greater public participation in the decision-making process. The party's values and political platform are deeply rooted in Islamic principles, aiming to apply these values within the context of modern governance and society.
The IAF promotes a vision of governance that emphasizes justice, equality, and the eradication…
How important do you think it is to have your personal beliefs reflected in the politics of your country?
Imagine a society where every law and policy was aligned with your values; what would that look like to you?
What role do you believe religion should play in government decisions, if any?
Can a political party truly represent all of its members' views, or must compromises always be made?
In what ways do you think a focus on social justice can change a country's political landscape?
How do you think laws based on religious principles affect a country's international relationships?
What changes would you advocate for in your country’s electoral system to make it more fair and representative?
How can a political party balance the need for national unity with the diversity of religious and political beliefs in a country?
What’s your view on using peaceful means to achieve political goals in contexts where there's significant disagreement?
Do you think it's possible for a political party with a religious foundation to address the needs of a diverse society effectively?