Private prisons are incarceration centers that are run by a for-profit company instead of a government agency. The companies that operate private prisons are paid a per-diem or monthly rate for each prisoner they keep in their facilities. In 2016 8.5% of the prisoner population was housed in private prisons. This is an 8% decline since 2000. Opponents of private prisons argue that incarceration is a social responsibility and that entrusting it to for-profit companies is inhumane. Proponents argue that prisons run by private companies are consistently more cost effective than those run by government agencies.
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No, and prisons should be entirely revamped to a better system handled by the state or federal government. Instead, fine non-violent offenders or make them do community service, and provide education and skill-building services, and rehabilitation programs for prisoners.
Yes, and lock up more drug and sex traffickers.
Yes, but they should be independently and publicly monitored to prevent mismanagement and corruption.
Yes, but they should be non-profits
No, prisons should be entirely revamped to a better system and then handled by the state or federal government.
Yes, but prisons should be standardized and reformed according to available research on reforming prisoners.
No; prisons should be entirely revamped to a better system and then handled by the state or federal government.
No, and prisons should be entirely revamped to a better system and handled by the state or federal government. Instead, fine non-violent criminals or make non-violent criminals do community service, and provide education and skill building services, and rehabilitation programs for prisoners.
No, and prisons should be entirely revamped into a better system, either handled by the state or federal government. Instead, fine non-violent offenders or make them do community service, and provide education and rehabilitation programs for prisoners.
No, and prisons should be entirely revamped into a better system, either handled by local government units or the national government. Instead, fine non-violent offenders or make them do community service, and provide education and rehabilitation programs for prisoners.
No, State prisons should be run and funded by the State and state taxes.
if it will help cut funding
No, abolish private prisons and incorporate rehabilitation services in their place
Yes, but the government should still highly regulate the comapnies running the prisons.
No, private companies should not be profiting off the imprisonment of citizens. They will ultimately sacrifice quality of care for profit and disregard prisoners' rehabilitation.
No, private prisons are unethical.
I need to be given more details.
depending on the certain types of prison and the way the prisoners get treated depending on what they did
Yes, but regulate them and allow prisoners to select (within reason) which prison they will be going to in order to generate competition.
i think they are still human and deserve they same basic rights so in some situations yes but in some no
No and eliminate quotas and be strictly regulated.
No but private companies should be allowed to partner with local prisons to provide training and opportunities after convicts release.
The current prison system as it is should be abolished and replaced with laws and insititutions that actually help criminals turn their life around, rather then perpetuating the prison slave-labor system.
Yes, but such companies should be required to adhere to strict guidelines and rehabilitation quotas to encourage reintegration and discourage the criminal justice system from imprisoning people for profit.
Yes, and they should be encouraged to execute more criminals
No, this is not the area for private businesses. Too much opportunity for abuse and greed.
No, private prisons will emphasize profit and contractual occupancy quotas over and above rehabilitation
No, private prisons should not exist
No, that what corrections is for
No, private prisons emphasize profit and contractual occupancy quotas over and above rehabilitation
No, incarceration is a social responsibility and using private, for-profit prisons is negligent
No, reform the government-run prison system instead to put primary emphasis on rehabilitation services, as incarceration is a social responsibility
No, incarceration is a social responsibility and usage of for-profit prison care is negligent
No, incarceration is a social responsibility and usage of private, for-profit prisons is negligent
No, incarceration is a social responsibility and use of private, for-profit prisons is negligent
No, incarceration is a social responsibility and entrusting quality of care and rehabilitation services to for-profit prisons is irresponsible and negligent
No, incarceration is a social responsibility that should not be entrusted to for-profit companies, who will disregard any rehabilitation services
No, incarceration is a social responsibility and the entire prison system needs thorough rehabilitation due to mismanagement, corruption and inhumane treatment of the prisoners who are non-violent
No, incarceration is a social responsibility and the entire prison system needs thorough rehabilitation due to mismanagement, corruption and inhumane treatment of the non-violent segment of prisoners
No, incarceration is a social responsibility and should not be entrusted to for-profit companies
If they can run at the same standard or better than the government, then yes. Also provide a nation wide standard for running the prisons and do inspections.
No this creates incentives to fill the prisons. We need prison reform focus more on rehabilitation, job skills, life skills and coping skills.
Yes, but make sure they can be funded enough to provide rehabilitation
No, privatization will lead to longer sentences and corruption.
should be up to the state
No, privatized prisons incentivizes increased imprisonment. However privatized police incentivizes higher standards
It should be left to the discretion of each individual prison system.
No, and abolish private prsions
No, prisons should be run by a counsel of religious scholars
No. If the government sentences someone to prison, why should their punishment be dealt by someone other than the government.
No, privatization of prisons should be illegal
I would need to look at real numbers and recidivism rates for private prisons to make an educated decision on this issue.
Yes, but they should have rehabilitation quotas and not occupancy quotas.